There were many post offices in Banner County. Many were located in the homes of the settlers. As the postmasters change, the locations of the post offices change.

ASHFORD with a population of 8 was located in Sec. 4 & 8-19-55. Named for William Ashford. Located on Pumpkin Creek on Stage road; was named temporary seat of Banner Co. on 1/25/1889. Post office established 10/1887, discontinued 7/24/1902. First postmaster, William Ashford, 2/06/1888. Others were: Charles Dooley, 7/20/1889; Clara Shumway, 5/17/1890; Lena Anderson, 3/09/?; Sarah G.Egleston, 5/21/1892; Milton Shafto, 12/11/1894; James Thomas, 1/02/1896; Cora A. Ashford, 1/07/1898. Mail sent to Harrisburg 8/15/1902.

BANNER was located on Sec. 32-20-56, with a population of 8. Town named by a Mr. Robinson and Ebenezer Wells Established 5/15/1888. Ebenszer Wells was the first postmaster. Other postmasters were Harvey Ransier 4/22/1889, Harvey Rancier also operated a grocery store. The goods were sold to John McCalm August 1889. The Ransiers moved to Oregon. Other postmasters were: James McCalm, 10/16/1889; Ira Gallup, 9/01/1890; Dora Pierson 12/05/1890. Discontinued 5/01/1895. Mail sent to Harrisburg.

BIG HORN Post Office located Sec. 10-18-54 in a farm home, was established 4/26/1912, located near Table Mountain and Bighorn Mountain. First postmaster was Mrs. Hope Brown.Last postmaster was Mrs. Meggie Brown 8/06/1914, when discontinued.

CENTROPOLIS Post Office----name changed from Randall 2/01/1889, changed to Harrisburg 5/09/1889. It was just north of Harrisburg and probably named by C.A. Schooley. First postmaster of Harrisburg was Theodore Friese, 2/01/1889. Second postmaster was Charles H. Randall 4/22/1889. Mail to Harrisburg 8/10/1889.

CLYDE was located on Sec.10-18-57 which is 3/4 mile west of Gabe Rock. Established 9/28/1888. First postmaster was William Lownan. Mail was sent to Harrisburg 5/01/1895.

EPWORTH Post Office was in a farm home, Sec. 22-18-58; established 1/25/1906, and discontinued 10/15/1918. Elizabeth Cox was postmaster.

FLOWERFIELD established 5/15/1912. Location, 5-17-57. Postmasters were George A. Millet, 5/05/1912; William N. Warner, 3/27/1920; Lottie VanPelt, 4/03/1925; Alice E. Lundberg, 10/16/1929; Myrtle Penick, 4/12/1935; Roda Williams 10/06/1936. Post Office discontinued 9/30/1936, became affective 11/30/1936. Mail was sent to Bushnell.

FREEPORT was located Sec. 20-19-53. In 1890 the population was 10. Post Office was established 8/06/1887 with Elisha Cowen as postmaster. Others were Robert D. Crabtree, 5/04/1891; James P. Westervelt, 4/11/1890; Thomas H. Wilson, 6/25/1891; Amand E. Harmon, 3/22/1894; Emma Mosier, 4/30/1909; Scott Darnell, 8/19/1911; Loria J. Ames, 1/21/1913.

GARY Post Office was in a farm house, Sec10-17-55, established 6/22/1897. William Reep was the first postmaster. Others were John M. Mann 8/01/1899; John Smith, 3/28/1908. Discontinued 10/31/1921. The mail was sent to Pine Bluffs, Wyoming.

HARRISBURG, Sec. 2-16-56. It was named for the hometown of C.A. Schooley, Harrisburg PA. The name was changed from Centropolis to Harrisburg 5/29/1889. The population was 40. The first postmaster after the change was C.H. Randall, 8/10/1889. Others were Calvin M. Moffit, 8/22/1890; Elisha Cowan, 12/09/1890; Henderson L. Graves, 10/03/1891; Charles J. Carlisle, 5/10/1893; Benjamin R. Lewis, 7/15/1897; Lora A. Grubbs, 2/07/1916; Bess E. Brennan, 11/01/1921; Jessie Cross, 11/05/1921. She retired 8/31/1958. Merle Griggs, 9/01/1958, term ended 10/30/1959; Doretta E. Klopping 10/30/1959, retired 5/31/1978. Officers in charge from 6/01/1978 to 1979 were; Bonnie Jo Crabill and Mary Gadway. Lloyd Hams postmaster,1/12/1979.

HEATH Post Office, location, Sec. 6-17-54, established 1/25/1890. Postmasters were: Samuel G. Swezley, 6/29/1890 Seven N. Larson, 9/01/1890; Acting Postmaster Minnie Larson, 9/21/1917. Discontinued 12/21/1917. Mail was sent to Harrisburg.

HULL Postoffice located Sec. 23 & 25-20-58. First Postmaster Albert B. Hull, an early settler who had a store and the post office which was established 2/26/1887. Other postmasters were: Ziba V. Cleveland, 5/04/1891; Moses W. Soop, 2/20/1892; Louise Noyes, 8/09/1905; Grace Bolin,9/05/1918; Louise Noyes, acting postmaster, 2/05/1923; and postmaster 2/12/1923. Discontinued 10/15/1929. Mail sent to Harrisburg.

KIRK Postoffice located Sec. 32-18-53 in a farm home, established 8/27/1890, named for A.O. Kirk. First postmaster was Sarah E. Kirk, wife of A.O. Kirk. Others: Eva Maynard, 5/18/1891; Charles W. Johnson, 6/27/1894; William Helsing, 7/20/1907; Carl A. Jensen, 1/10/1920; Discontinued 5/15/1929 Mail sent to Harrisburg.

LIVINGSTON Post Office located Sec. 6-19-54 established 1/23/1886.  First postmaster, Margarette Jane Livingston. Discontinued 10/30/1890. 

LORAINE Post Office established 5/16/1888 in farm home, Sec. 19-17-56. First postmaster, Frank Edwards. Next postmaster James A. Keith, 2/16/1892. Discontinued 5/18/1895. Mail sent to Harrisburg.

MYRA Post Office established 6/15/1895 and discontinued 3/16/1896. Ernest C. Wisroth was the first postmaster. The mail was sent to Salem, Loraine Co, Wyoming.

RANDALL Post Office, located Sec. 11-18-56, established 2/26/1887. Name changes to Centropolis 2/01/1889. Named for C.H. Randall.

RHOID Post Office established 5/09/1888 and discontinued 6/01/1888. Shortest lived post office in Banner County. Location unknown.

VAN Post Office located, Sec. 4-17-57 in a farm home, established 2/27/1907. Postmasters: Thomas VanPelt, first postmaster, George Millet, 1/08/1912. Discontinued 5/15/1912. Mail sent to Flowerfield.

VINTON Post Office established 3/07/1899. Charles Gingrich Postmaster. Rescinded 5/07/1899.

Banner County Coordinators  Judy Leafdale & Sherry Gifford